It’s ok to start again: improving Singapore’s low-income divorced women’s economic well-beingWomen have achieved great things in Singapore. UNHDR ranked 11th out of 162 countries for gender equality in 2019, beating the US, Canada…Jan 22, 2021Jan 22, 2021
To become resilient and innovative, ASEAN member states have to do what they do worst: encouraging…In 2018, ASEAN leaders gathered in Singapore for the 33rd ASEAN summit under the theme of “Resilience and Innovation”. Heads of states…Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
Do not compromise the practical for the abstract: Academic performance for the ideal of national…We cannot conclude that Vernacular schools promote national cohesion although we also cannot infer that it threatens national unity.Nov 17, 2020Nov 17, 2020
We should all be mental health advocates.I recently had a Zoom call with my friend Rachana from Cambodia who has been actively advocating for mental health since 2018. She is…Nov 11, 2020Nov 11, 2020
Marriage is still an economic proposition.“So don’t sit there and tell me that marriage isn’t an economic proposition, because it is.”Aug 6, 2020Aug 6, 2020